Other Links:
Standard Response Protocol (SRP)
ECET2 2014 Video
2014 Dolores Construction Project
Master Plan (Updated August 2013)
Area Info
Four Corners Youth Clinics
Please keep parent contact information updated! If there are address or phone # changes contact Lezlie Dibsie district registrar [click here for details]

FAFSA PIN night Monday, September 23rd 6:00 p.m - 7:00 p.m. Dolores High School Library
Dolores High School will be hosting for Dolores High School seniors a Federal Financial Aid PIN night. This evening will aid students AND parents in obtaining their FAFSA PIN. A FAFSA PIN is required to apply for Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA) for college. Applications for FAFSA open October 1st and it takes 5-10 days for a PIN to be issued to both a parent and student to begin the application process. For more information please contact the Academic Advisor: Jen Stark; jstark@dolores.k12.co.us
2019-2020 Concurrent Enrollment Meeting for Parents ond Students
Tuesday, August 20th at 6:00pm in classroom H-9 at the high school. This event is required for any parent who has a student enrolled in any college concurrent classes at DHS [click here for more details]
Public Notice: Call For Nominations
The Board of Education of Dolores School District RE-4A in the County of Montezuma, State of Colorado, calls for nomination of candidates for school directors to be placed on the ballot for the regular biennial school election to be held on Tuesday, November 5 th , 2019. At this election three directors will be elected for a term of office of four years. [click to continue reading]
Dolores HS and MS Fall Sports Parent Meeting:
Wednesday July 31, 2019, Auxiliary Gym 6pm-6:45pm [click for details]