Dolores School District Board of Education

Casey McClellan Vice President- (email:
Vangi McCoy - (email:
Kay Phelps President- (email:
Lenetta Shull Treasurer- (email:
Deanna Truelsen - (email:

Public Notice: Call For Nominations

The Board of Education of Dolores School District RE-4A in the County of Montezuma, State of Colorado, calls for nomination of candidates for school directors to be placed on the ballot for the regular biennial school election to be held on Tuesday, November 5 th , 2019. At this election three directors will be elected for a term of office of four years. [click to continue reading]

Dolores School District 970-882-7255100 N 6th Street Dolores Colorado

Dolores School District 970-882-7255

100 N 6th Street Dolores Colorado