Welcome to Dolores High School
Principal: Jenifer Hufman jhufman@dolores.k12.co.us
Dean of students/Athletic Director:
John Marchino
PHONE: 970-882-7288 FAX: 970-882-7685
Vision Statement: Dolores High School is a community of passionate educators and students inspiring each other in a respectful environment built on creative learning, shared integrity, and unmistakable kindness.
Quick Links:
News and Events:
2018-2019 Secondary Handbook
August 14, 2018: First Day of School for Elementary, Middle and High School
8/2/2018 - Secondary Student Supplies: Please have your students bring a spiral notebook, pens, and pencils on the first day of school. Teachers in each of their classes will let them know what they will need for class. Students will also be issued a school owned Chromebook for use during the school year.
Letter From Principal Jen Hufman (July 28/2015)
Dear Families,
Hello, and welcome to what promises to be another fabulous school year at Dolores Secondary Schools. I am thrilled to be beginning my first year as principal of this great school in this wonderful, warm, and welcoming community.
In my 22 years of experience in rural Colorado schools, one thing stands out that always makes a good school great--relationships. When schools and communities are partners, and parents are involved, good schools become great schools. To that end, my commitment to you, and to your children, is that I will get to know each of them, and I will reach out to you on a regular basis. I will tell you about all of the great things happening in Dolores Secondary, and I will ask for your feedback and input.
It is my belief that if every student can connect with a significant adult in the school every day, that student will want to be here. We will do all we can to foster the positive school environment that every student--and staff member--needs to thrive. Schools should be joyful places where students and staff feel empowered to create the best possible learning environment.
I am looking forward to working with the enthusiastic staff who make learning a reality for Dolores students every day. I have begun looking at resources such as the TELL Colorado Survey, the district Unified Improvement Plan, and the district strategic plan in order to get to know the Dolores system. I have attended professional development this summer specifically designed to facilitate shared leadership in order to create the best possible outcomes for students, and I am eager to continue the work that has already begun in Dolores.
We are also quite excited that small rural schools funding from the State of Colorado has made it possible for us to purchase a Chromebook compatible laptop for every high school student, dramatically improving our students’ and teachers’ access to technology. More information about our one-to-one student-laptop initiative will be coming in future weeks.
I am also looking forward to meeting all of you. If I can help you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thanks so much!
Jen Hufman
Dolores Secondary
PHONE: 970-882-7288 FAX: 970-882-7685