Bullying and Suicide Prevention
Bullying Prevention Information
- Bullying Information & Strategies Brochure
- Safety Skills Brochure
- stopbullying.gov
- stopbullyingnow.com
Suicide Prevention Information
- Preventing Suicide Parent Brochure
- Mental Health Forum PowerPoint (12/5/2016)
- suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
- sptsusa.org/parents/
24-hour Suicide Crisis Lines:
Axis 24-hour Crisis Line (970-247-5245)
Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255)
Helping Children Through Grief
- Talking to your Kids About Suicide
- Helping Children Through Grief
- When A Childs Friend Dies By Suicide
- "Supporting Youth in Grief" from the National Association of School Psychologists
Hospice of Montezuma County
Free individual and group grief counseling 970-565-4400
Barbara Coloroso Speaker Handouts
- the bully, the bullied, and the not-so-innocent bystander
- Parenting through Crisis
- Parenting with Wit and Wisdom
Messages from The Dolores School District
Parent Letter from Scott Cooper, Superintendent
Parent Letter from Karen Finch, Elementary Counselor